The Stop Smoking with Hypnotherapy Program involves two sessions – a session of two hours and then a session of one hour.
Once you have scheduled your first session, Jeremy will give you a preparation task to complete, which will prepare you for both the session and life as a non-smoker.
During the first session, life as both a smoker and non-smoker will the discussed, as well as your reasons for stopping smoking. This will help with the Hypnotherapy by both preparing you and informing the hypnotherapy session. It also gives time for you to feel more comfortable with the change, and working within Hypnosis. Hypnosis is also carefully explained to help you feel comfortable with the process.
The Hypnotherapy session is designed specifically for your personal situation and needs, and helps you free yourself from smoking forever. Most people stop smoking as a result of this session.
In the second session, any lingering cravings are resolved, and then you are a non-smoker for life. This session is scheduled 2 to 4 days after the first session.