Smoking in this day and age is a maladaptive behaviour designed to help you survive and cope in life on one level or another. It may be to deal with stress, fit in socially, break from a stressful job, sooth emotions etc etc. This maladaptive way to survive in the world may often be rationalised and even defended in the face of opposition. Stubbornness may take over, in some instances, making one more determined to smoke when confronted.
1. Hypnotherapy can help to identify the unconscious reasons and compulsions to smoke, as well as the blocks to being a non-smoker.
2. It can then help to resolve these compulsions and blocks to allow you to be free to not smoke.
3. It can also identify and utilise your motivations for being a non-smoker to motivate you from an unconscious level.
4. It can also help to resolve cravings, so that you can be free to choose not to smoke.