What is Hypnosis?
Hypnosis is a perfectly natural state that people move in and out of all
the time. Everyone has experienced hypnosis in one form or another probably every day of their lives. This may have occurred when just day dreaming or in that have half awake state that people sometimes experience when going into or coming out of sleep.
A commonly given example of hypnosis include driving down the road and finding the journey quicker than expected – winding up in the wrong place or suddenly rea
lising you’re going through a red light.
Another example might be when you are reading a good book and find you have become so absorbed, time has just passed you by unexpectedly.
What is it like to be hypnotised?
This is not an easy question to answer, because the experience of hypnosis is subjective. That means that it is experienced uniquely by everyone, and each experience with different therapists on different occasions can have a uniqueness about it. Even if people experience hypnosis in the same way, their different perceptions of the experience may mean they describe is it in a very different way. This often causes confusion for people. A good hypnotherapist will assist you to have the right experience for you in order to feel most comfortable, while at the same time make the therapeutic changes needed for you to stop smoking.
Some ways people describe their hypnosis experience might be:
Nice; Relaxing; Very very relaxing; I felt heaviness; I felt lightness; I feel lighter; My arm just lifted by itself; I feel confident; I was awake the whole time; I felt kind of sleepy; I felt I was in a dreamy state; I enjoyed it; I feel more in control; I feel like a non-smoker; I hate cigarette’s now; Get that cigarette taste out of my mouth!
These comments are provided as a guide only. The key is to be open to the experience you can have and enjoy the journey to your goal of being a non-smoker for life.
What is the unconscious mind?
The conscious mind is the part of the mind where we hold the concerns of the day and have a greater focused awareness of. On the other hand, the unconscious mind is the part of the mind where we hold the information we have less need to be aware of. There is also information in the unconscious mind we have lost touch with and cannot access alone.
The unconscious mind is more emotional, is in the right part of the brain, is felt in the body and has a biological component. Therefore, the information the unconscious mind contains is usually in the form of memories, containing the events and the emotional patterns that have been learned throughout life. It is these emotional patterns that drive our behaviour and make our habits harder to break. Changing these emotional patterns and releasing emotional blocks allows us to become more of ourselves, and allows new patterns of learning to emerge. Such new patterns are adaptive to survival. So, the desire, emotional support and new behavioural impulses are formed and your unconscious mind is set and to support and even drive you to not smoke and be a non-smoker.
The unconscious mind is very powerful, kind of sneaky, often determined and certainly compelled to drive you to perform your habits. So, the unconscious mind can be not only a powerful driver of unhealthy behaviour and habits, but also a very power driver of behaviour that supports good health, such as not smoking.
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is the ethical and highly skilled utilisation of the state of hypnosis and psychotherapeutic interventions to create change in the lives of those who seek its assistance. It involves gathering of appropriate information about the individual though counselling and forming the basis for therapeutic change. It also involves developing a relatively close relationship with therapist in a short period of time and trusting the therapist to assist.
The therapist will assist the client to enter the state and release the blocks to change and increase motivation to be a non-smoker.
Hypnotherapy is utterly safe, and only positive consequences can result from an ethical practicing hypnotherapist. Hypnotherapy can change your life forever.